Pages tagged with 'Django'


COUNTing is hard: A tale of types in SQL and Django

5 minutes

Using an ORM adds a handy layer between you and the database tables. Sure, you can write SQL, but most developers find it easier to think of a list of complex objects than they do a collection of rows. However, it's important to remember what's going on under the hood…


My First CVE

2 minutes

Today is a special day for me, professionally anyway. It's a day I get to tick a fun item off my bucket list, that I didn't think I'd get the chance to. Today, a CVE was released where I am the discoverer: CVE-2023-28837. I have my first CVE!What is a…

The focus

What's this? A new website?

Hello internet, it's been a while. I've been working on something for a while, and today's the day I get to finally release it! Yes, I redid my website - again! But, depending on how often you talk to me, I redid my website finally. This update has been a…

Balloons Over Bavarian Inn

What's new in Django 3.2 LTS

15 minutes

It’s that time again, time for another Django LTS release. Since Django 2.2, back in 2019, a lot has changed in tech, in Python and of course in Django. Historically, I’ve worked entirely on LTS versions, hence combining these 3 releases together. Staying on the LTS version is a trade-off…

Busy freeway traffic at night

Django ORM Performance

10 minutes

Django already does some pretty incredible things when it comes to performance, especially in the ORM layer. The lazy loading, fluent interface for querying means it’ll only fetch the data you need, when you need it. But it can’t handle everything for you, and often needs some help to work…

Cranes on the River Wear, Sunderland, UK

Django 2.2

9 minutes

April marks the release of Django 2.2, the latest LTS version of the popular Python web framework. Django 2.2 marks almost two years of development since the last LTS release, 1.11 in April 2017, and brings with it some very large improvements and changes which naturally come with a major…