Pages tagged with 'Traefik'


Hello World with Traefik

8 minutes

I’ve been using Traefik for a while now, and I’ve helped quite a few people with it, but I still see a lot of people scared off it. This isn’t helped by a lot of guides being incredibly verbose, and not explaining what’s going on very well. Most people I…

Observing Traefik with InfluxDB

Traefik’s dashboard is a great tool to diagnose routing issues, and check services are being detected correctly, but it can’t do much more than that. It doesn’t show any metrics. Instead, it relies (arguably correctly) on external monitoring tools for metrics. Traefik supports 4 metric backends: Datadog, Prometheus, StatsD and…

Traefik Basics

Traefik is a cloud native reverse proxy, which is basically a fancy way of saying it’s a reverse proxy with some fancy features. Specifically it has fancy features around auto-discovery, and deep integration with technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.Basic concepts Traefik has four fundamental concepts: Entrypoints, routers, middleware and services.…