Pages tagged with 'Website'


Moving my website to Hetzner

7 minutes

If you're reading this, you read it from a server hosted by Hetzner - congratulations! My website is quite important to me. I want it to be reliable, stable, and yet still be something I can tinker with easily if I want to. Almost 2 years ago, I rewrote it…


Turning my website into a browser search engine

6 minutes

My website has search functionality. You can visit the search page (or the homepage or the magnifying glass in the top right), enter a search query, and if I've written something about it (which is quite likely), the matching pages will come up for your reading pleasure. Under the hood,…

Scattered white paper

Adding blog posts to my GitHub profile

4 minutes

In case you didn't know, I have a blog - you're reading it now. It's not like what most people think of when they think "blog". It's guides, tales and random thoughts about the things I do, play around with or find interesting. The same can be said for the…


GUIDs - How I messed up my RSS feed

4 minutes

If you're reading this post through an RSS aggregator, or were directed here from one, you may have already seen the issue I'm about to describe, and already swore my name. If you didn't, I'd recommend subscribing, for completely unbiased reasons. This is a tale of RSS, and an easily…

life is a succession of choices, what is yours?

Redirecting static pages

4 minutes

GitHub, my public code hosting platform of choice (I have my own Gitea server, too), has GitHub Pages, a free static file hosting platform. I use GitHub Pages for a few personal projects, where I either don't need or want to host the code myself, or I want to explicitly…

Nummernschild 100 (Hundert) auf einem Grab | number 100 (hundred) in a graveyard

Looking back on 100 posts

17 minutes

This is the 101st post on my website. Humans are fascinated with milestones, especially when they line up with base 10 numerals. As a human myself, I enjoy these milestones, and it's not often I get a chance to do some meta content, so let's give in and see where…

The focus

What's this? A new website?

Hello internet, it's been a while. I've been working on something for a while, and today's the day I get to finally release it! Yes, I redid my website - again! But, depending on how often you talk to me, I redid my website finally. This update has been a…

Educating internet explorer users

3 minutes

Internet Explorer was, in its prime, the most popular internet browser in the world. Originally released alongside Windows 95, its headline feature seemed to be that it was maintained by Microsoft and was automatically installed. It wasn’t until Internet Explorer 2.0 in November 1995 that feature we’re used to, like…

metal chain

Making linking to my posts easier

3 minutes

For anyone who’s spoken to me, they’ll know I’m very quick to link people to posts I’ve written. That’s not in terms of pushing the things I’ve written (usually), but also being able to retrieve the links as quick as possible. I recently added search search to my website, and…

Wandering near lake Zurich on an overcast day

Building search into a Hugo website

My website is built with Hugo, a great static site generator with a bunch of features. One of the big missing features though is search. Hugo has documentation on a bunch of different integrations, but none of them quite did what I wanted. Over the last few months, I’ve been…

Damn nature

Website deployment process

My website is a very important project to me. I’ve written a lot of content over the years, useful both to me and other internet folks. Currently, my website is a static site, powered by Hugo. Because it’s static, the content is served insanely quickly and handles any insane load…

Self hosting my website

A few days ago, I was sharing a blog post to someone on the self-hosted podcast discord, and they asked if I was self-hosting my website. Unfortunately, and rather ironically, I had to answer no. I’ve been intending to move it over to my own server for a while, so…

Why I rewrote my website

I’ve had a website for around four years now, starting with a python CGI-based site hosted at 1&1, and evolving into its current form, powered by Hugo. Although I’m a web developer, I’m very far from a designer. I really can’t design anything!Alternatives In the past, I’ve used services like…