Pages tagged with 'Self-hosting'

Showing 1—30 of 55.


Moving my website to Hetzner

7 minutes

If you're reading this, you read it from a server hosted by Hetzner - congratulations! My website is quite important to me. I want it to be reliable, stable, and yet still be something I can tinker with easily if I want to. Almost 2 years ago, I rewrote it…


Replacing a Proxmox boot drive

My server boots off a pair of SSDs, tied together in a ZFS mirror. Proxmox supports ZFS boot (thanks to its Ubuntu kernel), and lets you configure it through the installer. When I installed my server, this is what I wanted, as it meant the OS and data disks for…


Intermediary CNAME rewriting with AdGuardHome

7 minutes

As part of some recent infrastructure changes, I migrated my home DNS to AdGuardHome, from Pi-Hole. Being a single, self-contained binary, it's far easier to install and manage (it's in the AUR too), and it's got a few nice modern features like DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS. Sure, the ad blocking features…

January 2022 Closeup.

On Mondays, I update servers

5 minutes

Software updates are a critical part of using any kind of electronic device nowadays, particularly if it's internet connected, and even more so if it has any security functionality. If you have any kind of computer online, whether it be a phone, laptop or a server, you should really be…


USB off-site backup

Today is world backup day, a day to highlight the importance of backups, protecting data, and keeping systems secure (at least that's what Wikipedia says). I'm taking this day as a chance to review my backup strategy, and make sure I'm happy with the coverage I'm getting. I mentioned a…


State of the Apps 2023

It's that time of year again, time to steal some of Cortex's search rankings to talk about my own "State of the Apps" - the applications and setups I use to make my life what it is. Since my last post, and in fact in just the last few weeks,…

Singapore light design

Server Setup 2023

13 minutes

For a few years now, I've tried as hard as I can to run everything on servers I control, ideally servers I physically control. Partly in an attempt to regain my privacy, party because it's much more fun this way. Over the last year, things have stayed fairly stable hardware-wise…

Monument to Prometheus at front and the Macedonian Assembly in the background.

Monitoring Prometheus with Healthchecks

3 minutes

Prometheus is a crazy powerful metrics and monitoring tool. Prometheus not only lets you scrape and collect metrics from other tools like Traefik and HomeAssistant, but also thanks to Blackbox, monitor the availability of other sites. Prometheus' main loop involves scraping a number of "exporters" over HTTP, looking at the…


Server CPU Replacement

11 minutes

Power bills in the UK are starting to skyrocket, and the costs of self-hosting are going up as a result. The average persons bills are going up pretty fast, and I suspect they don't have a server in their cupboard on 24/7. For a while now, I've wanted to swap…


Power cut precautions

5 minutes

Last night, the sky was filled with thunderstorms. For a few hours, there was some of the loudest thunder and brightest lightning I’d ever seen. At the time, this was quite interesting, and nicely helped cool down the air too. This morning however, less fun. Shortly after 07:30, my monitoring…

You kept that piece. It’s still yours, and I’m glad.

Sure I miss it (or you?) but look what shows through!

Still intact, covered (more beautiful?”) — I’d be as I was. Perish that thought…

It’s so much better beneath.

How I lost some data

6 minutes

It’s something no one wants to see: You open up an important file, and are met with very different content to what you’re expecting. This weekend, that happened to me. Losing data is terrible, no matter what it is. To a bit of a perfectionist like me any loss of…


State of the Apps 2022

15 minutes

It’s a new year, so it’s time to reflect back on the tools I used last year, how they’ll change this year, and how they might change in future. It’s still an idea I’ve completely stolen from CGP Grey / Cortex, but I think it’s useful, fun and interesting. I’m…

Home Server 2022

8 minutes

For the last 7 years or so, I’ve had some form of server sitting in my house. Its size and utility have changed massively in this time, but I couldn’t imagine life without it. Both prefer to and enjoy running a number of applications for myself, in a (possibly futile)…


Server Setup 2022

5 minutes

The cloud is just someone else’s computer. In my case, the cloud is usually just my computer. As an avid self-hoster, I like to run a lot of things myself, for learning, privacy, and of course fun. And it’s hard to host anything without servers. I have quite a few…


Storing Ansible Vault password in Bitwarden

5 minutes

I’ve used Ansible for a number of years for the provisioning of both my servers and desktops. It’s versatile, it’s simple, it’s powerful, and has a number of great features. Personally, I make all of my “playbooks” public for all for all to see, but provisioning still requires some secrets.…

Rhinoceros sculpture in a park

Lightweight GitLab

6 minutes

It’s no secret that GitLab is a beast of an application. As self-hosted git servers go, it’s easily the most powerful and feature complete. But that weight comes at a cost: resource usage. GitLab is no slouch, easily consuming upwards of 6GB of RAM by default without doing anything, and…


LXC vs Docker

Both LXC and Docker are great containerization technologies, brought to you by the powers of the Linux kernel. At their core, they’re pretty similar, but the further out you look, the differences increase massively. At their heart, they’re both still containers - understanding the differences between the 2 takes a…


Compressing your server's web traffic

3 minutes

The internet is a pretty big place - a huge amount of data (approximately 131TB per second) is transferred over it every second of every day. The backbone of the internet is designed to transfer huge amounts of data, but people are impatient creatures, and want data as quick as…


Docker in LXC

Docker is a great containerization technology for running applications. It keeps multiple applications completely isolated from each other, only allowing connections exactly when you tell them to. But what if you’re on a hypervisor? You want your host OS to be as lean as possible (else it defeats the point),…

Wandering near lake Zurich on an overcast day

Building search into a Hugo website

My website is built with Hugo, a great static site generator with a bunch of features. One of the big missing features though is search. Hugo has documentation on a bunch of different integrations, but none of them quite did what I wanted. Over the last few months, I’ve been…

Vintage page sheet background

Self-hosting static websites

9 minutes

Static sites, ie those which are just files on disk rather than requiring a custom application or database to run, are incredibly simple to write. You can either do it yourself from scratch with a bunch of HTML, CSS and JS files, or use a generator like Hugo or Zola.…


Updating GitLab project dates

3 minutes

As a developer I do basically everything in git and for fun I run my own git server on my home server. I’ve swapped around quite a lot between GitLab and Gitea, but finally settled on GitLab. It’s a bit heavy, but the deep CI integration is really nice. <update>…

HDD harddisk drive storage backup tool hardware

Backup Strategy 2021

Backups are critical to any systems longevity and reliability. If you’re not backing up your data, stop reading this now, go do it, then come back… Assuming none of you suddenly panicked and left, let’s keep going. You can keep telling yourself otherwise, but eventually, every system will experience some…

Damn nature

Website deployment process

My website is a very important project to me. I’ve written a lot of content over the years, useful both to me and other internet folks. Currently, my website is a static site, powered by Hugo. Because it’s static, the content is served insanely quickly and handles any insane load…

Server build 2020 - Proxmox setup

12 minutes

Back in December, I fully rebuilt my home server from the ground up based on Proxmox. Being a hypervisor OS, it makes sense to run everything in VMs or LXC containers, not on the host. Therefore, there’s a huge amount of scope for opinions, lessons and customizations. I’ve had quite…


Securing public servers

10 minutes

At some point, servers need to be put on the public internet. Whether that be a VPS in the cloud, or your new homelab. Once a server is on the internet, it’s subject to anything and everything the internet has to offer, from botnets to hackers and script kiddies. It’s…

Tea leaves with water droplets on them.

Plausible & Gitea

2 minutes

Yesterday, I moved my Git server from GitLab to Gitea. There’s nothing wrong with GitLab, I actually quite like it, but it’s a rather large tool for my needs. Gitea is much more lightweight, faster, and provides all its features for free. Now, it’d be nice to add some analytics…