
Hacktoberfest 2020

2 minutes

This year’s Hacktoberfest was a little different, mostly in quite how much the internet gave a fuss about it. Given quite how much of the internet was talking about it back in early October, it doesn’t take long to find information and context on why it was so controversial. Here’s…

Hacktoberfest 2019

2 minutes

This is year number three of my participation in Hacktoberfest, the initiative from DigitalOcean, and new this year, Dev.to. In previous years, the objective was to submit five pull requests to an open-source project. This year, the number was reduced to four, for some reason. In 2018, I submitted a…

Hacktoberfest 2018

2 minutes

Hacktoberfest is a great initiative created by DigitalOcean and GitHub to get more developers contributing to open-source projects. After opening a set number of pull requests to open-source projects, they’re rewarded with branded swag. As someone who does a lot of development in their free time, it’s not hard for…